quinta-feira, 4 de julho de 2013

Sugar and water: great for pimples!

Hello dearies!

So, last week I had a huge pimple on my chin, it was really gross.
I was starting to get desperate, but my mom said to put toothpaste on the pimple. I had heard about it, so I did that, but after a while I started to research the reason why toothpaste was such a miracle to pimples, and I came across the not so great things about it. You have to be really careful with it, because there was this girl that put toothpaste and in the next morning (she had slept with it on her face) her skin had burnt because of the fluor.
So if you're a fan of toothpaste, here's the warning: don't use it for a long time.
Back to my story: after 15 minutes, I removed the paste and started to see another homemade treatment. I came across this recipe of sugar and water. It's really simple:
- Put about half a teaspoon of sugar and a few drops of water in a cup. Don't water it too much, or else it won't cristalize on your skin.
- Appy it on your pimple at night and in the morning remove it.

After 2 days of doing this, my pimple is almost erradicated, it really works!
So don't squeeze your pimples, just put sugar and water :)

Kisses and chocolates,
Rita ^.^

Olá minha gente!

Basicamente a semana passada apareceu-me uma daquelas borbulhas "vulcão" nojentas no meu queixo, e não dava sinais de melhorar. Não pus nada durante dias e aquilo não dava sinais de estar a diminuir, estava mesmo a ficar desesperada!
Então perguntei à minha mãe o que podia pôr aqui e ela lá me falou da pasta de dentes, que já fazia isto há imenso tempo e sempre resultou. Lá segui o conselho dela, mas estava um bocado reticente. Fu então procurar estes benefícios miagrosos, e encontrei algo não tão bom: vi um testemunho de uma rapariga que tinha deixado a pasta de dentes de uma noite para o dia, e não é que a pasta lhe queimou a cara?! Pelos vistos, o flúor queima quando deixado durante muito tempo.
Já tinha a pasta há uns 15 minutos quando corri para a ir tirar. Procurei outro remédio caseiro para pôr na cara e encontrei esta rceeita apenas com açúcar e água. É muito simples:
- Põem meia colher de chá de açúcar num recipiente pequeno e misturam com algumas gotas de água, até ficar uma pasta granulosa. Não ponham demasiada água senão não conseguem deixar cristalizar na pele (que é o que se quer!).
- Em seguida, apliquem na borbulha e durmam com esta pasta na pele. Tirem na manhã seguinte.

Após 2 dias de ter feito isto, a minha borbulha está quase curada!
Já sabem: não espremam a borbulha, apliquem-lhe apenas água e açúcar :)

Beijinhos e chocolates,
Rita ^.^

quinta-feira, 13 de junho de 2013

So pretty!*

Hello cupcakes!
I've won this wallet in a giveaway about a year ago. It took me almost a year to have it, but I finally got it. The only thing that's different from the picture is that the polka dot fabric is in pink (which looks even better in my opinion!). Thank you to Feel Fashion for helping me get what's mine :) 

Another thing I wanted you to know is that in July or August I'm having a giveaway. The only bad thing is that it's a national giveaway, I'm really sorry. I hope I'll have an international one soon!

Kisses and chocolates,


Aqui vos mostro a carteira que ganhei há já um ano, mas que só agora recebi.
Esta carteira esteve enguiçada, estava a ver que não a ia receber. Graças à menina Mena do Feel Fashion que fez parceria com esta lojinha, finalmente consegui tê-la nas minhas mãos. O padrão das bolinhas é cor-de-rosa, o que na minha opinião a torna ainda mais bonita!

Bem meninas, outra notícia que acho que vão gostar é que em Julho ou Agosto vou organizar um passatempo, por isso fiquem atentas :)

Beijinhos e chocolates

segunda-feira, 3 de junho de 2013

Liebster Award!

Hi there cupcakes :)

Well the lovely miss Mihaela awarded me with a Liebster Award, YAAY!! I'm really happy she chose me!
Taking Mihaela's words, if you don't know how this works, I have to answer 11 questions that Mihaela asked, say 11 facts about myself, make up 11 questions and give other 11 bloggers this award.

Let's get started!

Mihaela's questions:
1.What is your favorite thing about the season in which you were born? I love the Fall weather!
2.Water or soda? Definitely water.
3.What types of movies do you enjoy? Mostly thrillers and action movies.
4.What is a talent that only a few people know you have? My only talent is that I have a great capacity of memorizing stuff. It's really useful in school!
 5.What determined you to start blogging? My sister Rute, she has a blog too.
6.How do you define love? I really can't define love, but I think Shakespeare is close enough, "Love looks not with the eyes, but with the mind."
7.Jeans or leggings? LEGGINGS <3
8.What is one thing you like about your hometown?That's a tough question, I really don't know...
9.Did you go/are you going to college?What did you study/are you studying? Yes, I'm going to my second year of Biology!!
10.If life gave you lemons,what would you do? If life gave me tons of lemons, the best thing I'd do with it would be selling them and made myself a bit wealthier xD
11.Do you still see yourself blogging in 5 years from now? Yes, I DO!

The hard part, 11 facts about myself!
1. I'm REALLY stubborn!
2. I have 2 cats, Sabry and Sabrina. They're my everything!
3. I love my soccer club, Benfica
4. I hate partying
5. And love staying at home!
6. Everyone knows that I like my friends, but I love my family.
7. I'm super lazy.
8. I'm currently reading "Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children" and I'm loving it!
9. Favorite movies: The Notebook and Haunting in Connecticut (I know, they're really different!)
10. I have 4 brothers and 1 sister.
11. My idol is my mom.

Now, here's my 11 questions for eleven of my pretty fairies:
1. What do you love most about yourself?
(Come on, everybody has something that they like!)
2. Lipstick or gloss?
3. What's your biggest dream?
4. What kind of music are you into?
5. What's your favorite post ever?
6. What’s your favorite joke?
7. What’s the best decision you've ever made?
8. Ice cream: Chocolate or strawberry?
9. What's your favorite quote?
10. What is your biggest fear?
11. Can you describe yourself in one word? :)

And my nominees are...

Kisses and chocolates,

domingo, 2 de junho de 2013

I guess I'M BACK!!

Hello my dear fairies!!!!

It's been a while since I've posted something, and for that I apologize, but it has been a chaotic semester!!

Well I'm going to try to come here like once a week minimum.


Olá gente!!!

Sei que já lá vai algum tempo desde que postei alguma coisa, e por isso peço desculpa, mas tenho andado mesmo muito ocupada.
Vou tentar postar pelo menos uma vez por semana, vão passando por aqui ;)


terça-feira, 8 de janeiro de 2013

Brownies made with love *

Hello gorgeous :)

So, a thing that for me can never miss in Christmas or New Year is great, delicious and unhealthy food. I'm sorry, but who doesn't like cake and mousse and other desserts?
Today I bring you a recipe I've done for New Year's eve, it was a success. It's from Lorraine Pascale, a great chef that makes delicious and easy recipes. Here it is:

Preheat the oven to 180C/350F/Gas 4. Grease a 20cm/8in square baking tin with butter, then line with baking paper with the paper overlapping the sides a little.
Melt 165g/5½oz of butter in a pan over a medium heat. When the butter has melted, remove the pan from the heat and add 200g/7oz of grated (or chopped) dark chocolate. Leave to stand for a few minutes, or until the chocolate melts, and then stir together. Alternatively, you can put the chocolate and butter in a bowl and melt in the microwave in 25-second blasts, stirring well each time.
Whisk 3 eggs, plus 2 egg yolks and 1 vanilla pod (2tsp of vanilla extract is fine too) together in a large bowl until the eggs begin to get light and fluffy. Add 165g/5½ oz of light brown sugar (I used white sugar) in two additions, whisking between each. Pour it around the side of the egg mix so as not to knock out the air that has been whisked in. Keep whisking until the mixture becomes stiffer. Once the egg mixture is ready, pour the chocolate into it - again around the sides so as not to knock the air out.
Add 2 tbsp of flour, 1 tbsp of cocoa powder, pinch of salt and a third of the 154g/5½oz Oreo biscuits and stir until fully combined, then pour the mixture into the prepared tin. Scatter the remaining biscuits over the top, pressing them in slightly. Bake on the middle shelf of the oven for 25–30 minutes. The middle should be very so slightly gooey. Leave the brownies to cool in the tin - the top will sink and crack a little.
Pull the brownies out using the overlapping paper and cut into squares. Dust with icing sugar.


Kisses and chocolates
Rita <3

Olá gente :)

Uma coisa que é essencial para mim no Natal e Ano Novo é comido óptima, saborosa e pouco saudável. Sejamos realistas, quem não gosta de bolos, mousse ou outras sobremesas?
Hoje trago-vos uma receita que fiz no Ano Novo, foi um sucesso. É da Lorraine Pascale, uma óptima chef que faz coisinhas deliciosas e fáceis. Aqui vai:

Pré-aquecer o forno a 180ºC. Untar um tabuleiro de 20cm com manteiga, depois forrar com papel vegetal deixando excessos de papel dos lados. Derreter 165g de manteiga numa panela. Após estar derretida, deitar 200g de chocolate preto ralado ou cortado para a manteiga derretida. Ir mexendo até estar tudo homogeneizado. Bater os 3 ovos, mais 2 gemas de ovo e uma vagem de baunilha (ou 2 colheres de chá de extracto de baunilha) numa tigela. Juntar 165g de açúcar amarelo (usei açúcar branco) em duas adições, batendo entre cada adição. Deitar o açúcar pela beira para não trar o ar à mistura. Bater a mistura até estar firme e em seguida deitar para lá o chocolate preto - também pela beira. Adicionar 2 colheres de sopa de farinha, 1 colher de sopa de cacau, uma pitada de sal e metade de 154g (um pacote) de Oreos, mexer tudo até estar tudo incorporado e deitar a mistura no tabuleiro já preparado. Espalhar o resto das bolachas por cima da mistura. Levar ao forno durante 25-30 minutos. Verifiquem ao fim de 10 minutos, pois o centro tenho que ficar meio "pegajoso". Por fim deixem arrefecer no tabuleiro e depois cortem em quadrados. Polvilhar com açúcar em pó.

Bom apetite!

Beijinhos e chocolates
Rita <3

terça-feira, 1 de janeiro de 2013

Happy New Year dearies :)


I'm back! I can't be here as much as I desire but I'm gonna try to come here more often. I just want to wish you all a happy new year, and I hope your Christmas was as awesome as mine :)

Kisses and chocolates
Rita **


Voltei! Não posso estar aqui tanto tempo como antes e como quero mas vou tentar vir aqui mais frequentemente. Só quero desejar a todos um óptimo ano novo e espero que o vosso Natal tenha sido tão fantástico como o meu!

Beijinhos e chocolates
Rita **